Sunday, January 23, 2011

Pottery and Garden Dreams

Located at Tigbao, Talamban, Cebu City
I'm sure every "green-minded" and "dreaming-of-a-nice-life" person has an ideal garden that comes with his or her ideal house.  And if you're planning now of that house or garden, I'd like to share this with you, hoping to ignite some ideas for future use.

There is this one place that my hubby and myself pass by every day we drive our daughter to school. I found it very pleasing to my eyes that I have jotted this last year as among the topics that I must include in PicketPages. Finally, I got that chance when we went to my child's school for the parents' third quarterly conference.  

It's actually a display of pottery, outdoor furniture, playground pieces, and other garden accents by Phoenix Garden. Because of the worldwide economic slump, Phoenix Garden decided to open to local customers its products, which are primarily for exports only.

Price: About $50.00 to $150.00

Wall accents price range:
About $10 to $20

Stool is individually tagged at about $80.00,
table has no price fixed yet

Chairs are made of plastic twine,
while the table is of fiber cement

Most of Phoenix's pottery and furniture are made of a special material called fiber cement, which is 50% cement and 50% fiber. Playground attractions like the see-saw and slide are made of fiberglass.  A major component of some of their furniture is plastic twine weaved around a metal alloy framework shaped for chairs or tables.

The drawback, however, is, as usual, the price. They are quite costly for me that I easily scrapped the picture of my dream garden in my mind and chose to preserve ideas about pottery and garden accents into still pictures, as you can see here.

But, if I'll have my way, my ideal garden, inspired by what I saw in Phoenix, will look a little something like this:

An extensive garden with green rolling Bermuda grasses, well-manicured lawns and
hedges, and flowery landscapes. Along the path of cobblestones that emanate from the gate going towards the house's door, one should pass by a Castillan fountain intended as a rotunda, and each nook of the ground will be guarded by giant pots. There's also a see-saw and a slide, a wishing well, a small pond with water lilies and a rainbow bridge above it. It is surrounded by spruces and fruit bearing trees, and in the middle of the lot is a pavilion surrounded by hanging plants accessorize with cushioned seats and a hammock  -- all stylishly and nicely arranged.

Well, dreaming is one thing that's perfectly free in this life, right? So, who's stopping who?

--- Ireen ---

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