Saturday, March 12, 2011

God Save Japan

Watching through the Internet the tsunami that recently caused havoc in Japan made me shiver. It's like a scene from the two movies I've seen a year or two ago: The Day After Tomorrow and 2012 -- so apocalyptic, catastrophic, and so deathly.

For a while, work at our office took a standstill while we were glued to our respective monitors watching the horrific works of Mother Nature.

As of this writing, the Japanese people have started to account for everyone and everything that mean to them.  Destruction of property is very immense and the death toll is rising to more than a thousand. 

It is during these trying times that we
hold hand to conquer challenges of
Life, making us strong to face them.
In this country where tsunami has become a part of life, it was still tremendously taken aback by the power shock of an 8.9 magnitude earthquake on March 11, 2011, which was followed by a 33-feet high tsunami.

Severely damaged are those coastal areas near Sendai and Tokyo. Countries along the Pacific rim of fire, including Russia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Hawaii, were alerted for a possible rise of waves within the next hours after the Japan tsunami. 

While Japan is measuring the effect of devastation, the fear is not yet over, because of a leak on its Fukushima  nuclear power plant caused by the earthquake, which, according to news reports, could cause potential additional disaster if not addressed within the next 24 hours.
United States is preparing to help Japan; Los Angeles
firefighters hauling equipment to be sent to Japan
for relief operations.
Countries all over the world are starting to move and calling out everyone to help in the relief efforts for Japan.     God Save Japan and pray that no further harm befall.  

-- Ireen --

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